Friday, May 30, 2008

Been away so long...

Boy have I missed blogging....

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I've been on a blogging leav of absense...

I'm back.....
Hope all in the blogosphere is well - moms, dads, kids and pets.
My hubby is well, the boys' are gorgeous and - me - well - coping as well as can be expected. Still blessed every day by a living God and striving with every ounce of my being to be more like Christ. Picture of Joshua and his dad (big bro Jarrod in the back ground) on his first birthday - Happy birthday big boy - mommy loves you...

Dear Lord I place my marriage and my boys before you today - thank you for all the blessings you bestow upon us - help us never to take them for granted. Amen

Yours in Christ.... Ruby