Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gee Wizz, i have been away a lomg time and so much has happend.
Im gona have to do hours of blogging to catch up. Thanks to Heather, who left a comment on my blog(an old one). I shall start soon, i promise.

In the meantime - God had conitued to bless my family and I< Yes, God is good!! Good is good all the time.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Been away so long...

Boy have I missed blogging....

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I've been on a blogging leav of absense...

I'm back.....
Hope all in the blogosphere is well - moms, dads, kids and pets.
My hubby is well, the boys' are gorgeous and - me - well - coping as well as can be expected. Still blessed every day by a living God and striving with every ounce of my being to be more like Christ. Picture of Joshua and his dad (big bro Jarrod in the back ground) on his first birthday - Happy birthday big boy - mommy loves you...

Dear Lord I place my marriage and my boys before you today - thank you for all the blessings you bestow upon us - help us never to take them for granted. Amen

Yours in Christ.... Ruby

Friday, February 22, 2008

Of life and Lent

I know that I have not been blogging regularly - but my life seems to be so hectic of late.
With Joshua being fully mobile now - he is more than just a hand full, he pokes his head to cupboards, bathrooms and runs at the sight of an open door... Help.

When I get home after work, I do homework with Jarrod- then give the boys their baths - supper and then I'm ready to collapse. (see pic of bathtime attached)

Things at work have been really hectic as well, I've been on risk training, and then getting back to the office and trying to catch up again - is a massive task....

We're going to the Stations of the Cross this evening, followed by Mass - I'm so looking forward to that...

Lenten Blessings and prayers for all to perservere with their Lenten fasts.
Yours in Christ... Ruby

Friday, February 15, 2008

Our Lady, Help of Christians

Check out my patron saint for the year, here

I'm so excited about this, I'll doing alot of reading about, Our Lady, Help of Christians...

Can anyone point me to some links about this saint, I would really appreciate it.

Until later... Ruby

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy St. Valentine's day!

To all my blogging mom's and friend's - feel the love...

With all my love...Ruby


Whoa... the last few days have been hectic for me...
Since Lent began, I feel as if I have been struck with so many extra tasks. We have been trying to attend as many of the Lenten services ( Masses, Stations of the Cross, Holy hour), as a family. This means rushing home from work - a quick supper and then off to Church. I try and get in a morning mass at 6am before a go to work, so I am up at 4.30am. But I feel so energised, I feel so blessed and Lent is a special time for us to turn back to the Lord.
I'm turning all the way back!!! What a wonderful God we serve, we have increased our prayer time and the love and peace in our home is amazing. Yes there is still a naggy baby when he is sleepy and the grade-schooler seeks his fair share of attention - but praise the Lord, we are happy to serve each other.

In the mean time- Joshua has started walking... yeah, at 10 months, just like his big brother.
He now has access to everything... his happy baby feet fill our home. All doors have to be closed, especially, bathroom and loo doors... it seems as if that is where they head first... Why do babies find the toilet bowl so facinating??

Jarrod's teacher had a baby, so he has a new grade 2 teacher and he is absolutely loving her...

Tomorrow is St. Valentine's day so spread the love around...

Yours in Christ... Ruby

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I am a Soccer Mom Hen

What type of Mother Hen Are You?
by Educational Resource

I was over in Minnesota and I came across this, go check out what type of Hen you are.